posted 03-23-2008 06:47 PM
Pat,The timing is only mildly curious to me. Maschke's inquiry began several days before the WJS article, though there is no doubt his rage and indignation might be fueled by it.
That his folksey Texas way was misread by some New England liberal which ruined her day does not rise to the level of us dismissing Eric Holden's contribution.
At the risk of sounding like a victim advocate...
Det. Kimball, in her 2-page complaint of 7-20-99 wrote "I was quite surprised by this use of me as an example and I was embarrassed." She further wrote "I became increasingly uncomfortable, embarrassed, humiliated, shocked and angry as he listed each action. As soon as he finished his statements, I told him, 'I've been a good sport, but you just crossed the line.'" After their review, The Texas DPS does NOT seem to have concluded that she "misread" his folksey ways.
You may know Det. Kimball, but I do not. Most of us have no way of knowing about her liberal political leanings. At any rate, it comes across as polemic and xenophobic to characterize someone this way a professional discussion forum.
The rules of human decency that we try to teach sex offenders are that it always matters when you do something that bothers someone, even if the effect is unintended (just as someone bumping into my motorcycle by "accident" still sucks for me). A little responsibility in those situations goes a long long way. We don't automatically assume that someone is being too sensitive, unless there is evidence to indicate that. In this case there was apparently evidence that someone was bothered. I don't know of any evidence of hypersensitivity.
I don't think that anyone (except maybe GM) wants to dismiss Mr. Holden's important contributions to PCSOT and the polygraph profession. Its also important that things are accurately represented.
Laurie Cohen referred to Mr. Holden as a "psychologist," which I believe he is not. "Psychologist" is, in most if not all states, a legislated title that is restricted to licensed clinical psychologists who have earned a Ph.D., Psy.D, or Ed.D in clinical or counseling psychology. The last I knew, Mr. Holden's credentials were equivalent to my own, with a master's degree in some counseling psychology and a professional counselor (LPC) license in Texas. The National Counselor Exam, administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors administers that licensing exam, and sets educational and professional experience requirement for eligibility for licensure, consistent with the guidelines of the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Program (CACREP) and the American Counseling Association (ACA), not the American Psychological Association (one of the other APAs). The NCE is the same exam and requirements in many states, and for the National Certified Counselor credential that I hold. Mr. Rob Lundell has the same qualifications. I point this out because you referred to Mr. Holden as "Dr. Holden" at AP. I know there is a psychological researcher named Eric Holden. That person has published interesting articles on children's mental health, and diagnostic algorithms, but I believe the middle initial is W, not J. Please correct me if I am incorrect about Mr. Holden's education and credentials.
The term "research psychologist" is different than "psychologist."
I know Laurie Cohen contacted Mr. Holden when she wrote the article. She told me she had not spoken with George Maschke because she already knew what he would say. Still, you never know... Her article was mostly supportive to us.
I am aware that Mr. Holden has been a trainer and proponent of the containment approach to sex offender management. I am also aware that he was involved in some research in psychophysiology in the past. I emailed him last week, requesting to read a work from 1971.
I think GM's recent attacks on Mr. Holden have more to do with his inquiry last week than the WSJ article.
Aside from this, we all really enjoy watching your unrelenting challenges towards the AP folks at every opportunity. Keep it up.
I've been tempted to join the fun, but my task-list is demanding my attention for now.
Maybe its time for another round of AP distraction. We could resurrect some focus on Zelicoff's lies/inaccuracies.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."
--(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)